
the number of people who listen to a podcast all the way through. this is an incredible retention rate. compare to video (50% only engage in the first 5 minutes) or text (2-5% read content writing).


the number of weekly podcast listeners who followed through on an action item (media engagement, buying from advertisers, etc.)

more than 1 in 4 listeners have made a purchase because of a podcast.


the percentage of the U.S. population 12 and older who listen to podcasts. that accounts for around 177 million people. more than half of those listeners tune in to a podcast each month.

Why Do People Listen to Podcasts?





People primarily listen to podcasts because they are curious about the world. They want to be well informed. They want to know about the news and current events. Podcast listeners are interested in culture, niche topics, and creativity. They are loyal and engaged. They relate to their hosts and they follow along with the platforms that represent them.

Most of all podcast listeners want to hear a good story, as we all do. They want to know the story of your museum, your nonprofit, your business. And if it’s a good story - one that engages them and inspires them, they will want to be a part of your mission.

Even though anyone can hop in front of a mic, not everyone can make a podcast - at least not a podcast worth listening to. You have about 3 minutes at the start of an audio piece to keep your audience’s attention, often much less. If the audio is faulty, if the writing is sub-par, if there is echo or a delay or your levels are too low, people will tune out.

That’s what we’re here to do. Make sure your podcast gets engagement, retention, and a loyal audience base. This is the audience base that will allow you to grow your business, expand your reach, and achieve your organization’s goals.

Let’s make a podcast!

So how can we help?

If you need help crafting an idea for a podcast series for your business, nonprofit, museum, or your own personal aspirations, we can be your creative partner.

If you already have an idea, great, we can make it a reality.

We do remote recordings, on-site recordings, tape syncs, museum guides, original music, themes, podcast trailers, audiograms, and more.

We will guide you through step by step, from initial consultations to marketing, sound design, and getting your podcast out into the world on all major platforms.