Every project is unique but to give you an idea of our services and our rates, we created this rate guide.

Generally we follow AIR (Association of Independent Radio Producers) most current Rate Guide.

Remote Recording Session: up to 2 1/2 hours: $375

On Site Recording: $180/hr plus parking/transportation costs

On-Going Podcast Consultation *initial consults are free: $160/hr.

Marketing Package *including audiograms, trailers, and language for social media posts: $500/3 episodes

Script editing: $125/hr

Sound Design: *this is very dependent on quality of initial audio, inquire to learn more

Basic sound clean up, normalizing levels, removing echo etc.: $150/hr

Podcast launch package: Trailer, Audiograms (4-6 shareable on all social media), Marketing plan: $950

Museum guides and tour experiences: $170-200/hr.

Podcast episode packages (includes recording, mixing, audiogram, trailer, uploading to all major platforms): $1,200 - $2,000 per episode

Scoring original themes and music: *dependent on length

Producer rates: $170/hr or $1-2,000 per episode

Hosting/Voiceovers: $170/hr or $200/5 pages of text

Start to Finish Podcast Creation, Launch, Execution: $1,500 - $2,500/per episode or $11-15,000/season (6-8 episodes)